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Lee has demonstrated time and time again his ambitions to ensure that golf is a sport that can be played and enjoyed by anyone of any background. I was pleased to make a connection to Lee, first through the Sussex Golf Partnership (as was) and now through England Golf, as his fundamental driving passion is in perfect alignment with that of the governing body and our key implementation themes laid out in the ‘Raising Our Game’ strategy.


Lee recognises the need to get new people to play the game, and even more significantly, retain them in the sport. And as part of this challenge he understands the vital need for him to continually develop as a coach, mentor and even role model. That Lee now has a role combining club management with his coaching means a greater ability to implement and deliver appropriate plans and make change where required.


The structure that now exists at the club recognises the need to target different groups (i.e women, juniors, working age golfers, etc.) and that there requires a pathway for each individual from beginner to regular golfer and ultimately into club membership and lifelong participation.


It also comes as no surprise that Lee has sought involvement in coaching for Sussex County alongside everything else he does, and so this clearly speaks volumes about his ability to time manage.


I look forward to continuing the working relationship we have in Sussex.


Matt Warwick

England Golf (Sussex County Development Officer)


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Lee Andrews - PGA Golf Professional

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